Data Security

Stay safe with data protection

People today are working as interconnected on internet, that's why security problems are on our agenda.

Confidential data must be under protection against unauthorized access. As a language service provider
, we keep data safety as our priority.


Our confidentiality measures involve encryption of the source files; using ftp file transfer protocol instead of common e-mail services; dividing the source materials to be sent to several secured translators; employing server-based editing platform rather than sending the source files to translators; deleting the source and target files immediately after delivery, assigning the translators with whom we have a long secured history; executing extended confidentiality agreements with secured translators, removing graphics, numbers, titles, names etc. from within the source texts etc. 


Data security is not just an IT protection, but also related to internal procedures towards protecting data from unauthorized access.


In addition to our internal safety protocols, we can apply additional rules to raise confidentiality level even further as per request by our customers.


To get a quote, contact us today!