English to Turkish translation of master agreement and addendum.

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Indirect Client: Amazon EU Société à Responsabilité 

Amazon EU S.à rl is authorized seller of the products sold and distributed by Amazon or under the trade name "Warehouse Deals.


Amazon EU S.à rl's requirement

We were trusted by our customer to translate the updates of Amazon EU S.à rl - Master Services Agreement along with addendums such as terms and conditions, form of work order, infosec policy, talent release.


Our solution: We knew that Amazon is a rising global giant. Our legal translator had to understand the essentials of Master Agreement and Addentum to avoid mot à mot translation which could result in a Turkish version extremely difficult to read. Our devoted project manager ideally identified, booked and assigned a legal translator who interprets contracting terms and conditions in regard to online trading. After translation process is complete, Turkish version was further proofed sentence-by-sentence to deliver a complete and accurate Turkish version on time.



Our customer was immensely satisfied. Our collaboration has extended and is still active.

Keywords: master agreement, Amazon, addendum, contract terms, legal document, business agreement, amendments, modifications, contractual obligations, service agreement, terms and conditions, agreement revision, supplemental agreement, partnership terms, legal compliance, commercial contract, contract management, additional provisions, service terms, contractual amendments, Amazon services, agreement update, business terms, agreement clauses, contract extension, binding agreement, legal terms, contractual relationship, modification agreement, supplementary terms