Operational Know How

Human Translation 

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work model

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In 2002, ALS was established with a traditional office setup where supervisors and translators worked together. Since then, our operational model transformed to align with the ever-changing global business landscape, influenced by groundbreaking technological innovations. 

Today, we have embraced advanced language technologies, management and communication platforms to interconnect our administrative teams and language professionals worldwide. Our work model offers greater flexibility and efficiency, resulting in reduced overhead costs. 


In the realm of offering expert language services, there has been a notable focus on language technologies over the past two decades.


Although remarkable breakthroughs have been achieved in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Automation in recent years, human supervision remains essential.


At ALS, we harness digital technologies to support our operations. Automation plays a key role in eliminating repetitive tasks and improving overall productivity. Additionally, our focus on better communication and data sharing allows us to leverage digital tools effectively.


By embracing language technologies and maintaining strong relationships, we have created a working model that enables us to deliver high-quality professional language services efficiently and adapt to the ever-changing demands of the industry.


Our work model is built upon the following assets:

- Long-standing Relationships
- Quality management process (ISO17100)

- Private Vendor Network Platform
- Advanced CAT Tools  read more..