Al-powered translation models

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platforms, TMS
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Are AI translations cost-efficient?

AI translations bring substantial cost-efficiency benefits to large translation projects by reducing labor costs, speeding up turnaround times, optimizing resource allocation, and ensuring consistent quality. These advantages result in significant savings, making AI-powered translation solutions an attractive option for large-scale and high-volume translation needs.

Human post-editing of AI translations costs slightly more than post-editing human translations but is still cheaper than full human translation.

How to decide if Al post-editing is a better option for me?

We are here to help you make the best decision. To decide, we need to test your content across various formats and platforms, using CAT tools, term lists, and more. If the test results are positive, we would recommend applying human post-editing to AI translations.




Can AI translations outperform
human translators?

Yes, sometimes it outperform human translators in terms of linguistic quality, particularly in fluency and consistency. However, this does not mean AI translations are always better.

Human translators bring a deep understanding of cultural context, subject matter expertise, and the ability to make nuanced decisions that AI might miss.


Why post-editors are needed? 

AI translations often sound more natural due to their ability to understand and generate text that is contextually appropriate. This is one of the major strengths of advanced AI models like GPT-4, which are trained on vast and diverse datasets.

However, AI models can sometimes produce "hallucinations," where the output includes incorrect or fabricated information that a human translator would not typically make. This is a known limitation and can be particularly problematic in critical applications where accuracy is paramount.

Do you really need us?

Answer is Yes! Using AI professionally requires more than simple interaction; it demands expertise. Experts can achieve much better results with AI because they understand the challenges and know how to address them effectively. They ask the right questions and refine their queries until they obtain optimal answers. For non-experts, AI responses may be too brief or misleading.


This principle applies to translation and localization projects, which require specialized expertise. Language project management is a specialized field that relies on education and years of experience. For instance, a project manager ensures that AI recognizes key instructions, incorporates term lists, maintains consistency, and understands context and tone of voice.